Monday, December 3, 2012

Sister Lyles got her mission call to the Japan Fukuoka Mission :D I am sooooooooooo excited for her. She called President Weaver Monday night when she opened it, so they could call and tell me. The cool thing is, is that was the mission that President Weaver opened when he was a missionary. I am so proud of her and this decision she has made. She is 1. going to fit right in and 2. She will be one of the greatest missionaries that they will have. They are so lucky to have Robin Lyles in there mission. I hope she can take something she learned for the WA-TAC to the far away land of Japan! She leaves on Jan 9th-a whole transfer away :)
Well the not so good news is that someone broke into our apt. this week. We were around our apt. building and Sister Nanto needed to use the restroom, so we stopped by the house and we found that the door was unlocked. We were in a hurry so we didn't really think much about it. But when we got home that evening we found our back sliding door wide open :/ We were 99.9% sure that we did not leave it open. We locked up the house, checked every nook and crannie and Sister Nanto slept with this Japanese sword by her bed lol. That morning maintenance came over to put a rod in our door and he found that our whole handle was busted and a flashlight outside by the door that wasn't ours. Who ever broke in pried it open and broke our door. So we had to get a new lock and handle and to be extra cautious they changed our locks too.
This week has been a great week. Sister Nanto have been working hard and have been seeing many miracles!
Spencer Brotherson is getting baptized this Sunday. We are so excited for him. It has been great to see him change, to see his heart change and for the confusion and mist of darkness to be lifted from his mind. Spencer and his family are excited from him. They already made a trip to the book store and have more church litterateur that I do!
We had a great lesson with the Perkins family this week. We went over to drop a big book of Mormon off to Bill Tues. morning and they didn't seem like they were having a good day. Then we went to there house to teach them on Saturday and there was a completely different spirit in the home. They were all ready and they just looked happy. I was shocked. Bill said he had been reading the Book of Mormon and praying about baptism and later that day he turned on the TV and a preacher came on and said, "You need to be baptized!" ha ha. I say, God works in mysterious ways! He is being baptized on Saturday. Bill has progressed much faster that his family and they want to watch him do it first before they do. This will be a good chance for Bill to be that shining example to them. Were hoping he can baptize them in the future!
This week was our sister conference. We had so much fun, but mostly Sister Grenfell and I followed each other around and talked the whole time. She really is like my other half here on my mission. She understands me so well and we have a lot of the same views. It was great to see all of my companions too! Sister Brown and Douros said they have been working so hard and I would be so proud-I love them!
We have a lot of great sisters in the WA-TAC and because of the increase in missionaries we will be getting 15+ sister missionaries in January. So that means we will all be training and I will have to train and be dying as well. Not what I really wanted, but it will be fun! Who ever they are, are so lucky to have the chance to serve in the beautiful WA-TAC!!!!
 I love you all and hope you have a wonderful week! Remember to always remember Christ this season and put him in the forefront of your heart. Then like President Monson said, "We will truly feel happiness that comes from Christmas!" Ponder in your heart who Christ is to you? I know that he loves us all
Love you,
Sister Phillips 

We hope that your Christmas season will be one that is filled with the love of our Savior.  We would love to invite you to visit
and share in the special Christmas message given.

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