Monday, March 26, 2012

Look Up!

Wow- this week has flown by!
There were a lot of exciting events that happened in the last couple days. 1. We had our quarterly Sisters Conference 2. Minh was BAPTIZED! 3. The Sun was out 3 days in a row :D Hooray!

Last Friday we had our Sisters Conference that our mission president and his wife put on for us. This time we ate Olive Garden @ there house, went to the sound to watch the sunset :) then had a fun sleepover at the mission home and colored Easter Eggs. The next morning we woke up and had a yummy breakfast and then went into a 3 hour training! All in all it was a lot of fun and a great experience. They just keep getting better and better!

I am surprised I don't have ulcers yet? Oh man these people stress me out. I do however, have a name for every knot in my back ;) Minh, Peter, Denisse, Lissa, Kathy and the list goes on. When Minh decided to be baptized he still had to be interviewed my our Mission Pres. and Our District Leader. I was really nervous for this because a couple days prior the questions in the interview really scared him. But luckily our Mission Pres. Is the BEST and our DL Rocks too! Minh did great and came out still wanting to be baptized, few!! We then started to plan his baptism and told us he wanted someone like John the Baptist to baptize him ha ha...well we had to explain that one to him a little better! He then decided he wanted his friend Dan Wallace to baptize him, which is exciting because Dan was baptized a year ago and came from a really low point in life like Minh.I love the Atonement! Saturday night came around and Sister Phillips is stressing until she sees Minh walk through the door! They all walk in at the same time and Minh bought a new outfit and even wore a tie!!!! The best part was that he had a smile from ear to ear and at that moment I knew without a doubt that Minh was ready. The baptism went really well. He had a lot of support from our ward and he even invited some of his friends that he wanted to bring to Church! (hes a missionary already) When Dan was baptizing Minh there was a special spirit there that I felt that night. I knew at that time how REAL the atonement of Jesus Christ was and that through the waters of baptism is how your can unlock access to the full affect of the Atonement of Jesus Christ. Hearts soften, eyes are opened and lives change-

This is always one of my favorite weeks in the year, General Conference!! I couldn't be more excited. An investigator of ours is a little stinker sometimes and he is soo excited to come when we told him our prophet is compared to the pope but even BETTER! lol! And Morris Sandvig even commited to come to a session. :) If I stay in Olympia another transfer I know it is because of the Sandvig family. I have no doubt they will be baptized one day, its just in the Lords timing! But I do feel like I am going to leave Olympia :( Which really makes me cry because this has been my home for the last 6 months. This is where my heart is and it will be hard to pick it off the ground and take it somewhere else, but wherever the lord wants me I will go and do!

This week is a great opportunity to start praying about questions you would like answered during conference! If you've' never done that before, I invite you to do it. It works I promise! In Mosiah 2 when King Benjamin is getting ready to speak to the people in there own general conference he says, vs. 9, "You should hearken unto me and open your ears that ye may hear, and your hearts that ye may understand and your minds that they mysteries of God may be unfolded to your view."

I know that He Lives, more than I have ever known in my life. He is real and aware of all of us, I know that the power of prayer and faith can unlock the heavens and create miracles! Don't ever forget to Pray to Him-Get on your knees and pour your heart out in faith that he is listening! I am grateful for all your support and love i can feel clear in Washington! I couldn't do it without you all!

Sister Phillips

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