Monday, January 9, 2012


This week flew by it felt like. I can't believe it's already Monday. That means this is week 6, the last week before transfers. :/ I'm not sure what will happen to be quiet honest. Sis. Eichenmiller is pretty positive she is leaving, so we are in the process of telling everyone her last goodbyes (she has been here for 7 1/2 months and there's a lot of people) I keep telling her she is going to stay now because she is so positive she is leaving haha. I don't think she would like that. She loves this area and me of course, but this is the only area she has been in her whole mission, so I don't blame her for feeling ready to be transferred and experience other areas.
Our mission President called us and said, "Sisters we extended your mission", What? They moves transferred to Tuesday instead of Monday now so everyone in the mission will now be going home on Wed. and not Tues. He thought it was pretty funny. I don't mind one bit though, because now we get our P-day back, yahoo! President Weaver is cracking down on the mission. We are now strictly a preach my gospel mission. We used to have what was called the "WA-TAC STANDARDS" and he told us to either send them home or throw them away :/ He's pretty serious. It was something that the last mission president made, but Pres. and Sis. Weaver are trying to be strictly obedient to the prophets council, so that our mission can be blessed. I think it will be awesome, you are always blessed for your obedience.
So I hear there is an Elder in the Singles ward that is from Olympia-Elder Wood? I know his family, his Mom just got up on fast Sunday and bore her testimony about her son serving in Price, Ut and I thought hmm...he's close to Vernal-and then I find out he is in Vernal! Small world ey?
The best news is that Radmila got baptised. We had a serbiantism! The sweet lady came clear to Olympia, Wa to find the gospel and I was the lucky missionary to be able to have taught her and be apart of this. Her whole process of conversion was just perfect. All she wanted was to follow the example of her Savior Jesus Christ. So when we asked her to be baptized or obey all of the commandments it wasn't even a question in her mind because she had a relationship with Him already. During the baptism her son, Daniel translated, which was really special for her! She is the funniest lady. She will come up to you and have a conversation when she knows you have no idea what she is saying, hah, And because of that a lot of people fell in love with her! After the baptism many people came up to us and told us that it was the most spiritual baptism they had ever been to and it is all because of her. When people really understand there savior and are baptized for one of the simplest reasons, they obey Him, there is an overwhelming feeling of love that comes. It reminds me of the scripture, "If we love Him, we will keep His commandments" and boy does she have a lot of Love! (okay so I just realized I forgot my camera in the car so the pics will come next week).
While studying the Book of Mormon this week I have felt this overwhelming joy flood my mind. I have asked the Lord to help me understand how to have the spirit with me more fully, so the spirit can reach out to my investigators and teach them. He has opened my heart and mind to understand how important the spirit is and the key role it plays in "true conversion". Our investigators will not be "truly converted" unless it is by the spirit of God. I found a quote from James E. Faust in Preach My Gospel pg.91, "The gift of the Holy Ghost comes after ones repents and becomes worthy...The Holy Ghost bears witness of the truth and impresses upon the soul the reality of God the Father and the Son Jesus Christ so deeply that no earthly power or authority can separate him from that knowledge."
I love you all and hope you have a great week!
Sister Phillips

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