Monday, December 5, 2011


Oh man oh man was I excited and Sis. Eichenmiller gets to stay too!!! We begged President to let us stay together. We didn't want new companions for Christmas and we wanted to finish all the work that we started this transfer. I am pretty excited. That only means we know our fate for next transfer.

She is leaving and I am staying in Olympia (yay for me) and getting a new comp. Sis. Eichenmiller has been here in Olympia for 6 months now and it will be 7 1/2 months when she leaves and this is only her first area, so she will be ready to leave my January. There is only 1 person leaving our zone, so we are officially the smallest zone in Olympia and it ROCKS! We are all really close and there is not contention between the Elders (will see how long that lasts). It's going to be a fun transfer!

This last week was a great week. Sis. Eichenmiller was stressing out every day because she didn't know whether or not she was going to leaving...let’s just say I couldn't wait for that transfer call!!! And on top of that one of our Investigators got thrown into Jail :/ and who does she call first.....the Missionaries of course. Oh gee! It was a stressful situation because we really can’t do anything. Long story short the ZL's told Pres. Weaver and he told us the only thing we are allowed to do it teach her, which is fine by me. But it's hard to tell your investigator that when she is someone who can take offense very easily.

Even though I love Olympia, I am sad because there just not very festive. People don't put up very many light or decorations around here. Probably because they are all trying to conserve energy, because that's what Olympians do! We did find 1 neighborhood that was all decked out. We now take a nightly detour on our way home :D We do get to go caroling this week though; I am pretty excited about that.

We will probably go a couple times because it’s fun and a good missionary tool!!! Christmas only comes around once a year, right?! But we prayed mightily for her and all is well. She decided she wants to get baptized on Dec. 24th so hopefully that will fall into place (please oh please oh please).

Yesterday at church we had a member bring a friend in 3rd ward and he was just soaking everything up! He doesn't have too much of a Christian background, but we can fix that real quick ;) He already believes in Joseph Smith and the First Vision and he was amazed that we have a prophet on the Earth today. He's a smarty pants though and he had to dumb down some of his questions for us haha. We are going to start teaching him next week after his finals with school are done. Then, Tina who we met last week came up to me yesterday and said, "I want you to teach me, what time and day you can come over", it was awesome. I was waiting to go talk to her and ask that same question, but I am glad I waited and let her ask me. It was great; I had never had someone ask ME to teach them before ha! We will see her on Thursday. The work is going great. We have a lot of potential for this area and miracles just keeps showing up all the time. I know that is because Sis. Eichenmiller are trying to be obedient and have fun while we work, it really does make all the difference!

Thank you all for your emails and letters I seriously have the BEST family and friends in the world!!!

I love you all,I hope you all are having a great Christmas time and always reflecting back on the TRUE meaning of Christmas. In this season of giving, don't forget about the all of the Gifts Christ has given you and how you can give to others!!!

Sister Lakyn Phillips

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