Monday, December 12, 2011

13 Days before Christmas!


Wow, it is getting so cold here. It gets colder and colder. I ask people almost every week when It is going to get warmer because it is not fun. The low is 32 degrees but I will tell ya its not normal. It's wet cold and it freezes your bones and they feel like they are going to break in half. I would take Vernal 20 degree dry winter cold any day. But the good thing is it shouldn't last as long. They say it starts warming up at the end of Feb. So ill keep my fingers crossed for 2 more months. If not I will demand the be ET'd(emergency transferred) out of here...jk! I wouldn't do that!!!

How is everyone's Christmasholiday going? It's a little weird being on a mission during Christmas, but at the same time it is the best too! Everyone just wants you to have a good Christmas so they try to do what they can for the missionaries :D Sis.Eichenmiller and I were talking and we both felt like it wasn't quiet Christmas yet because we haven't been able to go shopping haha. Oh well, I amlearning budget control, which we all know I need lol!

This week was week 1. It was a good week. Jane aninvestigator had an interview with our mission president and it definitely solidified her decision to be baptised. She was so worried about what everyone else would think and she couldn't get over that. She told us it just doesn't matter anymore...yay! She is now praying to know if Dec. 24th is a good date for her to be baptised. We are going over to her house to make my moms famous sugar cookies on Friday. I can't wait! Keri finally is thinking about giving up her dog, which is a big step for her, when that dog is her life. Seriously her life. It makes me hate dogs. She could get housing and so many other things if she wouldn't have a dog. So we really hope this helps her. She is also getting baptised on the 24th. Tina, our lil. Miracle 2 weeks ago wants to be baptized to, no questions asked. We asked her if she wanted to and she didn't even hesitate to say YES. She had been looking for a Church to go to and they had been to a couple around Olympia but didn’t feel right about any of them, until their neighbors invited them to our ward. Tina said she had a really good feeling (the holy ghost) when she was there and knew that was the place for her :D So exciting. So we may have a literal "white" Christmas with lots of baptisms. That would be the best Christmas ever for a missionary!

Besides that everything is going well. We went over to the Kohlers house the other night (nutritionist) and they made us this "live" drink. It was pink and looked yummy until I tasted it and of course I say, "oh-that’s different". Needless to say it smelled and tasted like mold, pure mold, but I choked it down and kept telling my self that it’s good for my tummy, its good for my tummy. Gotta love them!

Oh how can I forget this story....

We almost got attacked my 2 dogs in one night. We were out finding and we went to walk up to this house when all the sudden this dog came barking at us. He just looked like he was protecting his territory, so we moved slowly closer to the door and all the sudden this giant dog came from behind the house coming right for ME. Sis.Eichenmiller "said" she couldn't see so she darted and left his to kill me. I yelled, clapped my hands and started freaking out of the dog and the owner came out and was apologized up and down. That got my blood going. I don't think I have yelled that loud in a long time. Then the elders called us and were complaining about how cold it was and asked if we would say a miracle prayer with them. So we said a prayer and we look down the street and see 3 fire trucks all decked out with Christmas lights coming down the road playing Christmas music. It was so cool. They stopped for us and we got a pic with Santa and they gave us candy canes. They go all around the neighbor hoods all week and do that. I guess its a big thing here in Olympia, but all we knew at the time was the Lord sent us a miracle!!!! THEN...we get back to our finding and walk up to this house with a gate. Usually we shake the gate to make sure a dog doesn't come out and then were good to go in. So we did just that, went in, knocked on the door TWICE and all the sudden we turn around and see this pit bull growling at us. I almost peed my pants. We are trapped!!!! I start ringing the door bell frantically praying the people really are home-well they weren't. We start taking little steps and this time Sis.Eichenmiller is protecting mehaha. Finally we made it to the gate and we figured we had had enough of dogs so we just called it a night of finding. I felt like we were being protected from that dog because he would come run towards us then turn around, then when we got out of the yard he was hysteric :/ I will never forget that nighty now lol!

I hope you guys have a wonderful week and remember to keep the spirit of Christ in this Christmas Season. This work is truly the Lord's, anything we do or any success we have is because of Him. I feel like the luckiest girl to have the family I have and to be here in the Tacoma Mission serving our Heavenly Father and teaching them about the greatest truths on the Earth. Yes, its the best!

I love you all and wish you a Merry Merry Christmas.



Sister Phillips

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