Tuesday, November 29, 2011


This past week has been a great week. For one it was Thanksgiving-we ate dinner at 4 families homes. I watched what I ate and I actually did really well (pat on the back for me :D) We had Breakfast at the Latimers home and she made us yummy cinnamon rolls. They are a younger family and went to school at USU so we LOVE them!! She is like our older sister here. We then went to the Varners home. They are Recent Converts and LOVE the sisters. Then off to the Klumkers we went. Keri one of our investigators didn't have anywhere to go so she tagged along with us. It actually ended up to be really good for her because she was able to meet and connect with more people in the ward. Everyone was so excited for her to be baptized and you could just see her face beaming. We still are working on some things with her, but we hope she will be baptized in Dec. After the Klumkers we went to the Ganthers-where do I begin with the Ganthers. They are amazing. They do not have a lot of money but they would give everything they had to the missionaries. They feed the whole zone once a month and every holiday. It makes me so grateful for the things I have and helps me remember to be giving when I am with them. I know they don't have the money, but they love to give and know the Lord will bless them for there service. I love it! We then watched Mr. Kroogers Christmas (Its approved) and went home. It was a great day considering I thought It would be tough for me being away from family and all, but the Lord knew what I needed and filled my heart with so much gratitude that day.

Miracle #1...We are teaching a lady from Yugoslavia. Her name is Radmilla and she speaks serbian.
Her son Danielle is a recent convert and is a spiritual giant. Anyway- he translates for us. I think I told you in my last letter that she wanted to buy us boots and well...she did! She even bought us these furry so soft socks with penguins on them because she loves how affectionate and loving penguins are with there children and she wanted to take care of us like a mom penguin...ahhhh! We asked her if she would want us to teach her what we know about our church and about the book of Mormon that we gave her? She gladly accepted our invitation. We started teaching her about the prophets and how we believe there is a prophet on the earth today. She paused and it was quiet for a couple seconds and said, "teach me everything you know about this prophet you say is on the earth today." It was amazing. Then she said she felt like she had heard the name Joseph Smith from somewhere and she already knows he's a prophet. It was one of the most spiritual lessons I have experienced. This lady doesn't speak English and is Greek Orthodox, which means she is very set in her religious ways. But she is very in-tune with the Spirit and knew that what we were saying was true. Man I wish everyone could be that in-tune, we would be having baptisms everyday!!!
I'm not sure when we will meet with her again. Hopefully soon. Her son is really busy and we have to have him or we cant teach her. Danielle already has felt like he will baptize his mom, so I can't wait to see where this goes!

Miracle #2....Then the next day Sis. Eichenmiller had been working pretty hard that day to make up for our slow couple days with Thanksgiving and we hadn't eaten much. We decided to go grab something to eat and the Varners called us. They said meet us at wally world ASAP! We got there and they surprised us and let us pick out a small Christmas tree, tree skirt, and decorations. Again-this is a family that is living from pay check to pay check.
I just started crying because of the goodness in these people. They have nothing compare to what I even have and they are wanting to buy us a tree and ornaments to make sure our Christmas is extra special. This is what the holidays should be about. My heart has been changed and softened with the magical gift of giving. I hope you all take time out of the gift, lights, and shopping to help someone in need and thank our Heavenly Father for all that we have because it is through Him that we will have the True happiness in our life.

Miracle #3....Sunday is a crazy day for us. We wait by the door like little children by a cand store and wait to see if our investigators will come to church. This family walked in that we had never met before. They looked totally Mormon at first and then we got to chatting and came to find out that the wife wasn't a member. The husband is Less Active and she is looking for a church....YES!!!
They had some neighbors that invited them to come. Well they didn't really think they would show up and they did. In my mind I was praying the whole time during church that the sacrament speakers would say the right thing so she would feel the spirit. Sometimes it can be bad. Luckily they were awesome!!! We talked them into staying for all 3 hours and at the end of church she said, "Stephen and I talked and we think this is the place for us" Yahoo!!!! It's amazing how the Lord works. I was so grateful!!!

Miracle #4....
The elders surprised us and decorated our door with Starbucks hot cocoa and circus cookies :D They wrote us a letter and were SO grateful they get to serve with the BEST SISTERS IN THE WA-TAC!!! It was so nice. Sis. Eichenmiller had just gotten out of a rough appt. with an investigator and was really worried about her. Then we came home to that. It was a miracle in my eyes because it was a huge tender mercy they lord blessed us with.
I promise if you look around you will see miracles all around you!!!
I am so blessed to be a missionary and even more blessed to have the Love and support that I have. I hope you guys all have a great weekend and know I love you so soo much!
I love you,

Sister Phillips

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