Monday, November 14, 2011

Is it really Monday already?

How is everyone?? I hope you are all great and are getting ready for Thanksgiving!!! We already have 3 dinner appt. Yikes!! We decided we will do a course at each house, so that way we wont be sick when we go home :D

Not a lot has happened. We are still working with the same investigators. One of our investigators decided that it wasn't for him. I was heart broken, but you do everything you can and then remember that they still have their agency to choose. All hope isn't lost for him yet though, we are still praying for him and hopefully can see him tomorrow. Kerri decided she wants to get baptized she just has some issues she needs to figure out first and Jane wants to get baptized too once she understands that she can't drink coffee and tea-that’s been a hard one for her! No worries!

On Friday we had our sisters retreat in Tacoma. All the sisters came and we stayed at president and sister weavers house. We had to be there at 4:30 and when we were all there they surprised us and took us all downtown Tacoma to eat at the spaghetti factory! It was so yummy and it was just fun to be DOWNTOWN, I didn't want to leave. We then we to a musical called savior of the world put on by the multi-stake. It was amazing; I was really impressed that members could do that. President also let us stay up past 10:30. We went to bed around midnight, but some of the sisters stayed up until 3am :( I would have died the next day. Sister Eichenmiller and I were already dragging with the loss of 2 hours I couldn't imagine anymore. We woke up and had a yummy breakfast and then had a scripture study together. They are so amazing and they spoil the sisters like crazy! I think because they have 5 girls of there own, so pres. just loves the girls more anyway.

I sent some pictures of our last p-day. We went on a little hike with the Elders. It is so pretty here and the fall colors stay for more than a week, its awesome! It is getting sooo dark though. It is pitch dark by 5 pm and sis, eichenmiller and I are both wimps, so the fact that sometimes we tract out in the middle of now where is a big deal for us. We tend to sing church songs and pray the whole time that a bear wont come eat us. I’m actually not scared of animals, I'm scared of the crazy people here in Olympia!!! The good thing about Olympia is that most of the crazy people are high, so there not very mean and would be easy to take down, lol!

We went to dinner at a members the other night and it was the saddest thing. Her husband is dying of cancer and he just came home, but they don’t' give him much time to live. They love the sisters because sister missionaries found her one day and she was baptized. Anyway, she shared this quote with us that I love. This women who's husband is on his death bed it strengthening me...she is amazing!

Surely there is no more powerful missionary message we can send to this world than the example of a loving and happy person. The manner and bearing the smile of kindness of a faithful member of the church brings a warm and an outreach which no missionary tract or videotape can convey. People do not join the church because of what they know! They join because of what they feel, what they see and want spiritually. Our spirit of testimony and happiness that regard will come through others if we let it.

-Jeffery R. Holland

I love this quote because when we are just being us we are sharing something with people that are powerful. When we can accept who we are, we will allow ourselves to enjoy true happiness and want to share it with others. That is why as missionaries it is essential to have the spirit with us. Without it-we fail!

I hope you guys have a great week....

Until next Monday!


Sister Phillips


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