Tuesday, November 1, 2011


Can you believe it's Halloween today??? I feel like we have been looking forward to it for ever, so it took a long time to get here. How is everyone? Any fun plans for Halloween??
We have to be locked up tonight from 5-9 (orders from the mission pres.) I guess they have had a problem with people dressing up as LDS Missionaries and getting in trouble. Then the cops will call our mission pres. and tell him they need to come pick up their missionaries, haha. So, we have to stay all bundled up in the stake center with our zone in case the popo's call he will be able to account for all of us! Our zone is the smallest in the whole mission. There is only 9 of us. It's great though, it makes for a really united group. We are going to carve pumpkins and play games and our mission pres. and sis. weaver gave us a basket filled with goodies, but it is all wrapped up and we can't open it until tonight!!!! They even said they put a movie in there :D Which is surprising because pres. weaver said, "movies are a cuss word in my vocabulary for missionaries" hehe!
Both of our wards have trunk or treats last weekend, they were so much fun. We have two wards and they are complete opposites. It's kinda hard. One is super focused on missionary work and the other could care less. It's really hard, we are having pres. weaver come speak to 3rd ward and hopefully call them to repentance hah jk! Anyway, 4th ward had a chili and cornbread cook off. It was crazy! They had over 20 different kinds of chili and corn bread. Let's just say sis. Ikey and me were well fed!!!
We now have 3 investigators we have on date for baptism in nov. I am so excited for them. I have found that you have to work so much harder when you have a lot of investigators, because you have to constantly check up on them...or satan will. It's the best kind of work to wear yourself out in. I love it. One of our investigators in named Jane and she is 60 years old. She knows it is true, but struggles with large crowds and anxiety. So, that's a problem with church and activities. But she did come to the trunk or treat and brought her grand kids and they all loved it (score)!!! She also stayed for sacrament and Sunday school yesterday, she couldn't quiet make it for relief society. Will work on that! She is on date for Nov 13th :D
Keri... well what can I say about keri. She says she has been a Mormon her whole life and she didn't even know it! She is currently homeless right now, which is hard. But she wont be for long and she recognizes that the Lord is helping her. She also thinks we were sent to her so she could help us as well. Maybe true, I dunno.
Then Kaden is 9 and he just can't wait to be baptised-it's getting over his mom. So, I feel like were trying to convert his mom (and she's a member) not him. Oh well.
Olympia is AWESOME!! I seriously love this place. It is so pretty and there are so many crazies it makes it really fun. Sis. Ikey and I went to downtown Olympia last Tues to meet with Keri and had quiet the experience. Olympia has lakes everywhere, its so cool. Anyway, they have a lake that goes around the capitol that we were walking around when we looked up the side of the hill and we see all of these hippi protesters marching and screaming "world peace" with there white flags and tambourines. I felt like I was watching forest gump or something. Sis. Ikey and I looked at each other and said, "walk fast". We both knew we needed to get out of there and fast. Liberals are not fans of Mormons, especially when the republican party's highest candidate is a MORMON!!!
It was fun to see that though. I got to see the "real" Olympia everyone has been telling me about.
I am so grateful that I am able to be apart of the Lords work here Olympia. We had so many miracles this week, it was amazing. The Lord is definitely aware of every single one of us, no matter who you are. The Book of Mormon will bring you closer to God than any other book on Earth. I love it!!! It's amazing how you can love the strangest people, and I know that is the pure love of Christ. I hope you all have a great HALLOWEEN!!!! Send me pics
Sister Lakyn Phillips

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