Sunday, September 19, 2010

Oh the JOYS of cooking!

So I consider myself a pretty good cook, but for some reason, this certain day was not in my favor :/
I decided to come home and eat lunch with my roommate Kelsey before she flew back to Texas, so we got to chatting (like most girls do, in my defense) and this is what happened.......

This same night Kaylen says, Lakyn do you just want to get the pizza roll ready when you get home, so we can hurry and eat and then leave (we had plans at 7, she got off work at 6). Of course the good roommate I am, I said Yes! It came out beautiful and looked sooo good! So what does Lakyn do?? Put it back in the oven to keep warm. I went back into my room to check something online and all the sudden I smelt smoke!!! OH NO.....I ran into the Kitchen and the smoke alarms started blaring in our apt, they were SO loud (all they really did was just make me panic more...geesh!) As soon as they went off Kaylen walked through the door to see me trying to rip the smoke alarm off the wall! Oh it was horrible :( My cooking confidence was SHOT!
So, the great friend Kaylen is she turned our burnt Lincoln long into a good situation. So, we just tipped it on over and ate the inside. It was DELISH!
To redeem myself, Kaylen and I made peach pies! :D
They were yummy!
Oh the joys of cooking ;D

1 comment:

  1. Ah haha! Lakyn! Andrew and I did the EXACT same thing with our pizza rolls! We even ate them after they were burned to a crisp, and the inside was still way good! This is so funny!
