Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Called to Serve


SURPRISE! I'm going on a mission :D
Kinda crazy ey?! Trust me I didn't think I would ever go either, lol! But when It came down to it I knew without a shadow of doubt that the Lord wanted me to serve. What greater call could you have in life than to go spread the gospel to those who are searching for the truth and to be a representative of our Savior Jesus Christ. I am so humbled and blessed to be able to go serve in the beautiful state of Washington. Did I think I would go there....NO WAY! It wasn't even a thought in my mind. Am I EXCITED? YOU KNOW IT!!! I went into this telling myself I will go wherever the Lord sends me, NO, if's, but's or why's. To me the most amazing thing is how comforting it has been to know the thought and the guidance of the spirit that has went into the decision of where I was needed the most. If that's no the coolest thing, I don't know what is! :DWashington here I come!

Oh get this....
While I was in Pittsburgh my call came...what? I know!
I had to wait 5 LONG days to open my call.
We had such a good time in Pittsburgh though. It's a little different
from any other city Iv'e been to, but it lead up to some great adventures.
Later post to come...

Okay what friend would I be if I didn't say THANKS....
Miss Kaylen Walton as you see, is always there for me. Yup...ALWAYS! Even when I am my cRaZy, impatient, high maintenance self she just still loves me. Why? I dunno no!
She is an angel in my life and I wouldn't be who I am today without her. I am SO very lucky to have such an AMAZING friend as her. She is rock and light in my life and love her SOSOSOSO much! Love you Klin

Love me-


  1. Awe washington is my home!!! My brother in law is serving up there right now maybe you will run into him! Elder Cory smith. Congrats you will be great!

  2. CONGRATS GIRL!! That is Awesome. You are going to be such an amazing missionary! Good Luck and Wish you the BEST.

  3. AWWW I cant believe you got your call!! You'll love Washington, its gorgeous there! Especially Tacoma area. You'll never want to come back :) Let me know about your farewell, I'd LOVE to come!

  4. Yay! I'm so happy it came ! You are gonna do ah-mazzz-ing!!!! I'm so excited for you girl! Love you!

  5. if you make me cry again i'll beat you up!

    but i love you :)

  6. This is so great! I love you and so will everyone in Washington!

  7. I had no idea you were going on a mission Lakyn!! Oh my gosh! You will be amazing! Not to mention probably the best dressed sister missionary I have ever seen! Haha! Love you girl! Congrats!

  8. YAY for missions!! especially state side. Girl you're going to be the best!! I might be in town for your farewell. woo hoo! xoxo
