Monday, April 19, 2010

Salt Lake City 1/2 Marathon

It all started on the 17th of January, one afternoon after sacrament meeting. Megan Hawkins gave a talk that Sunday and told a story about running her full marathon. After sacrament meeting Kaylen and I were talking to Catlyn and Karen about how they were getting ready to run the SLC half. The next thing I know Kaylen and I were sucked into Karens convincing. She had a hold on us now, and there was no getting out of it. The whole time we were talking I never really thought this whole thing would follow through, so I just nodded my head and kept agreeing with everything that now "coach Karen" was saying! How bad could it be right, will have rockin bods for the summer and be in much better shape...PERFECT! (well the hot bodies didn't come...dang!) The next morning 9 o'clock rolls around and its SNOWING! What? Are we really running in the snow, in Vernal, in 18 degree weather. Oh you know it! We ran 2.85 miles and I thought I was going to die. To my surprise the snow was not bad, it actually made it a little more exciting and warmer. For the next 3 months we ran Mon-Thurs. and long runs on Sat. Since January 18th until April 17th we have averaged around 287 miles for three months.

This has been one of the hardest things I have EVER done. Waking up in the FREEZING cold in Vernal's bitter winters, injuries one after another, breaking your body down and then building it back up, training your mind over your body, and running, running and wait...more running! I really could say for a few weeks I had a great HATE for this sport. It never gets easy and something always seemed to be going wrong.

Race day week was here and I was getting so excited! FINALLY this will all be over and I can do other things besides running 24/7. Friday my mom, grandma, niece, Kaylen and I drove out to SLC. It was all sinking fast in and I couldn't wait. We went and got our numbers, shirts, and goodies at the expo. We then met up with Jenn Rouska and her family at the Olive Garden for a yummy high carb pasta dinner! We then went and drove the course, everything was looking great, little inclines here and there but nothing we haven't done before. Then, we turned on St. Street. The road was a steady incline and of course, a very steep hill at the end. Who does that on mile 11? I was then terrified for my life (seriously). We then stocked up for breakfast at the always trusty Smith's Marketplace and headed to bed. I had nightmares about St. Street and the run all night long. Needless to say, I didn't get the best sleep! That next morning 5:00 am came fast! We woke up, got ready and out the door we went. We got on Trax, (which was jam packed of runners) and headed up to the starting line. As soon as we got there we all had to go to the bathroom asap, so we waited in line for about 15 min and across the starting line we went. I had so much adrenaline that the first few miles went by so fast. About mile 7 my hip abductor muscle was really starting to kill me. I pushed through it painfully and tried to ignore it as much as possible. The last mile came (how grateful I was) and finally you knew that you had finished and you were almost there you just had to push it a little further. The crowd was crazy and it was the best feeling to finally finish... I can stop!!! As soon as I crossed Kaylen and Jenn came over and wanted to get pics, so that is why I look like I am dying because I just barely got done sprinting the last quarter mile.
Shout out to my girls:
What would I have done without this girl. We had some great times running together and some great conversations on the way. She always listened to me complain probably everyday...poor girl! But I love her to death! Her run was amazing, she smoked them all! Good job! Thanks for Everything!
This lady is one of the funniest people I have ever met. We really were destine to be friends. I am so happy she decided to run at the last minute and she still had a great time! Good Job! I don't know how I would have done this without her. She is an amazing person inside and out!
Has been such a great motivator and trainer. She taught me how to push myself and to never stop running. Thanks for always checking up on us! One day I will run as fast as you!!!
You are my running! One day I will be able to keep up with her!

This is what we do when were poor and have no money to shop!!

Thats unfortunate!!! Poor Jenn!
Our sweet socks Kayla gave us...Thanks girl!
P.S. Doesn't her hair look amazing!!! ha! But really!
Eww gross....BANANAS!

Us jam packed in the Trax headed up the the start,
making sure Jenn doesn't have an anxiety attack.
Hold it girls!

Our fan club...thanks guys!!!
Starting mile mom cheering me on!
Good job girls!

Thanks mom, Hallie, and Grandma for coming to support me!


  1. Good Job Lakyn! I'm so happy for you and totally look up to you! How lucky are you to have been with Catlin! I miss her. You all look great!

  2. holy cow!! Way to go! Thats way inspiring!

  3. Oh man! that picture of Kaylen in line for the bathrooms is HILARIOUS!!!!!!!! Good Job Lakyn!

  4. You go girl! I decided to take up running like the end of 07 beginning of 08 and did the salt lake half in 08 it was way fun! I havent done it again because I get shin splints SO bad because I never let them completely heal. Im not a good runner, when I start to feel pain I run harder and further, not good! Im proud of you, its tough! Awesome experience to have tho!

  5. aaahhh dang girl! Great job! Wish I was dedicated enough to do a marathon! Even a half marathon! Wooo!

  6. WE DID IT!! I am so proud of you. I am so happy that we got to do a few training runs together. The race was amazing and so much fun, the adrenaline ran through my veins like blood. As much as I hurt right now I would do it again and probably again! Sometimes amazing people are meant to find each other, and we did!!!;) Love ya kid!

  7. You are awesome. You did a great job. It was so fun to all be together on this one. Ready for another?

  8. Way to Go Laky! Whip me in Shape ASAP!
    Im so proud of you! Loves!

  9. :D love the post! mostly because I'm in like all the pics.. i mean really! ha ha ;) Dude if you wouldn't have done it with me i probably would've quit- because it was rough but SO FUN!

  10. HEy i didin't now you had a blog...i should have assumed since your all over kaylens. But You look great and congrats on the run....haha
