Tuesday, November 22, 2011



It snowed in Olympia!!! It was the best thing to wake up to snow. It only lasted about an hour, but it was still blissful! I'm jealous of you Utahn's that have snow already!!!

Can you believe Thanksgiving in on Thursday!!! I feel like it has taken and eternity to get here because you are so excited for it to come :D We have 4 dinners :/ I am so nervous to get sick. You hear all of the horror stories from missionaries that they are puking that night and I do NOT want that to happen. We’ve decided will eat different foods at each house or just eat sweet potato's ALL DAY....YUM!!! I'm not a turkey fan, so I wont have to worry about that. Everyone just wants the missionaries over, I guess they like us or something, I dunno!

This week has been great! We almost had one of our investigators baptized then she decided she wanted her daughter that is MIA to be there. Which is understandable, but now it's going to take a lot longer. That’s okay though. Jane is on date to be baptized on Dec. 4th. I am so excited for her!!! We also found 6 new this week and a couple potentials that we excited to meet and hopefully start teaching on a regular basis. Our homeless investigator Keri have a break down on us this week. It was scary. She was meeting us at the church so we could help her and when she pulled up she freaked out on sis. eichenmiller. I forgot the church keys so I ran back to the car and didn't see what happened, until the end .Keri did not have a good spirit with her was not herself. Sis. Eichenmiller started crying because it scared her so bad. It didn’t' really affect me to much, I guess I've been in some of those situations before and I just got more annoyed with her than upset. All of the elders came to our church. They are so protective of the sisters, its cute haha. They love us! But once she cooled down she apologized and now wants to be baptized haha. Oh gee!

It is sure getting cold here. I think I say this in every letter, but that’s because it's true. And when you walk in it all day you really understand how much you hate winters. At least in the summer time you get a tan!!!

Friday was on the best days ever!! I got a package with NEW rain boots, we found 3 new investigators, 1 miracle referral called us and scheduled an appt. to visit with her, and my bishop and his wife bought me my favorite Ice cream!!!!

There is a famous ice cream here called Tillamuck and this certain flavor (grandmas cake batter) that is SO hard to find. It's only in certain places in the state of Washington and only comes out during certain times of the year. They called us and told us they were coming over and surprised me with my ice cream (pic. attached) I was happy. That is the family we will be spending Christmas with as well. It was a huge tender mercies from the Lord.

Well...It's that time of year again when we think of all were grateful for!

So, here are some things I am grateful for.....

The Gospel of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints

Jesus Christ and my Heavenly Father

The BEST family in the world



The scriptures

Rain boots




Warm house w/electricity


The coolest Best Friend any one could EVER have.

Sweet potatoes




Olympia hippies

Evergreen trees


Straight Teeth

Vitamin D


Hunting (makes for good conversation)

Rain :/


We have to remember that all we have is because of our Heavenly Father and Savior Jesus Christ. They created everything we see and I believe they did that because of the Love they had for us. They wanted their children to live somewhere where they could enjoy and see God's creations everyday. Remember how much you have been blessed and the lord will bless you even more ;)

I love you all,

I hope you have a great Holiday!!


Sister Phillips

1 comment:

  1. oh my gosh!! i know you're not going to read this but i've HAD the cakebatter ice cream!! they had it in orem once, at Winco! i didnt realize it was a specialty flavor and was SO sad when i went back and it was GONE!! and replaced with cinnamon bun? yucka. but OH. MY. SWEARWORD. It, is amazing.

    miss you lake. so proud of you!
