Tuesday, September 6, 2011

9/6/2011 {WEEK TWO}

Well, its my p-day again, so that means we just got back from the temple :D It was kinda sad though because who knows when we will get to go again. I'm not sure what our mission president will let us do concerning temple trips! I HOPE he lets us go!

P.S. People in V-town you can email me, if your not the writing type!!!!!!!! Just an FYI, hint-hint ;)

Where do I even start.....

This week (or since last tuesday) has flown by. We are just so busy all the time that they days acutally aren't that bad-until you get back to your room at 9:30 and realize that you want to die on your bed and never wake up!! We taught an investigator names Haly. She is the cutest little hispanic lady I have ever met. We teach her twice a week and those days we teach her me and my companion usually come out with big grins on our faces! You ask why? Well...she has been searching for a church her whole life. She was raised penacostal, but felt like there was something missing. When Sister Daines and I taught her she was amazed of how much family means in our church. She was a little iffy on Joseph Smith, but when we explained it to her, the puzzle peice started to fit together. It is amazing to see the light in peoples eyes when they get it. The spirit is so strong and they can't deny it. We then talked about the plan of salvation and explained to her that famlies can be together FOREVER. She freaked! She wanted to know all about this "so called, plan of salvation" haha. She has a handicap daughter and started crying when we told her that during the resurection our bodies will be perfect again. WOW! What an experience that was. Yesterday when we met with her, we taught her about Faith, Repentance, Baptism, Receiving the Holy Ghost, and Enduring to the End. At the end of the lesson when we invited her to follow the example of our Savior Jesus Christ and be emersed in the water of baptism...she said loudly " emerse? I will dive in the water" lol! Now do you see why we love this lady? Sister Daines and I are starting to get the hang of our teaching. We learn that we don't just teach lessons, but we teach the people. When we do that we are more likely to let the spirit guide us in teaching. If we are having expericenes like this in the MTC I can't even imagine what they will be like in the field. :D Half of our zone is leaving today for Cambodia. They have been so fun to get to know. I even know how to say hello, pinnapple head, and thank you in Cambodia.

I got a calling-kinda, they don't set you apart because we come and go so much, but I would act as if I were set apart. I am the New Coordinating Sister for our Zone. I watch over all of the sisters and make sure that they are in tip-top shape. When the new sisters get here tomorrow I take them on tours of the MTC and go over rules...ect. I am now running on 5 hours of sleep because we had two sisters run out of the building last night and one Coord.sister from the other floor break down. I think the hormones were peak high last night :/ The two sis. both came back...thank goodness :/ One wouldn't talk to anyone. She was having a really bad day and her teacher called her out of being imodest and she didn't take that very well. The other sister is deaf and is one of the most amazing girls I have met. She started loosing her hearing gradually when shew as 15 and has lost 15% more just while she has been in the MTC. :( We talked to her for a while and asked her to pray. There wasn't a dry eye (out of three of us) during that. I was very humbled to know that my life isn't so bad. I can see, hear and walk and talk. This sisters love is music and now it is just a fuzz to her, I can't imagine the heart ache and lonliness she is going through. But it was a huge blessing for me to be able to work with her and now be a new friend.

Remember our Father in Heaven is always there, we just have to open our eyes so we can see!!!


Sister Phillips

Dang this girl never ceases to amaze me! But you heard her Vernal peeps... WRITE HER! her email address is:


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